Mid season collection : Women - Men
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The different shapes of beanies.

Bonnet oversizeThe Oversize
Of an elongated shape, it allows your hair no to be too flattened. It wraps up the head without tightening too much. And its length helps create creases at the neck, giving then a more lively shape. It's also ideal if you don't appreciate the "big ball" aspect that classical models create.

 Face, morphology

Morphology differences and beanies mix well. Good to know! This is because the beanie is basically cool and flexible. It can be manipulated, fiddled and returned according to your desires.

So theoretically, everybody can wear every type of beanie. One thing you just need to keep in mind is that thin meshes and non turn-up beanies are recommended if you have a thin face. On the contrary, thick meshes and short turn-up beanies will be more adapted to round or square faces.

As for the chapkas, the same thing applies. If you have a thin face, avoid the all-fur/thick fur...you will disappear among it!

Bonnet PomponThe Pom Beanie
Pom beanies are back into fashion even for men with poms that are increasingly big according to the seasons. The pom can decorate every single type of beanie: chulo, oversize, classical.

Bonnet péruvienThe Chulo
The chulo is traditionally worn in all the Andean region. It protects the head and ears from the cold and often displays  typical motifs of the region, such as the poncho. Now, it is worn through the entire world.

Bonnet visiereThe Visor Beanie
Its style is sportier with its short visor. It offers a double protection against the cold and the sun that turns out to be appreciable in the winter when the sun is always too low. This beanie type is also very popular on ski slopes.

Bonnet DockerThe Short Beanie
The French name of this turn-up beanie is "docker", meaning 'dock worker'. This workers in fact used to turn-up the edges to evacuate the sweat during the physical part of their duty. Shorter, smaller, some models don't event cover the top of the ears.

chapkaThe Chapka
Just recently, the chapka was mostly categorized among useful and technical clothing against extreme cold. These last years have dramatically changed the game. If they have kept their protective quality, the models are now trendier with their new shapes, colors and designs. Recently, more feminine models have emerged, less voluminous, half-way with the cholo.


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